우는 남자
장르 서양화
제작연도 2022
재료 및 기법 캔버스에 아크릴릭
크기 28*41
작품설명 눈물은 슬픔,공감,놀라움에서 분노에 이르기가지 다양한 감정에 의해 촉발된다. 이것은 다른 사람의 공감과 연민을 유발하는 힘이 있으며 타 동물과 차별화되는 인간 본성과 매우 관련이 있다. 생체적으로 본다면 마음을 식히기 위해 가열된 심장 수증기가 머리로 올라가 눈 근처에서 응결되어 눈물로 빠져나가는 것이지만, 여전히 사람들은 눈물에 상징성을 부여하고 우리의 취약성을 우는 행위로 표현함으로써, 타인에게 정당성과 이해를 구하는 도구로 사용하기도 한다. 인간 내면의 슬픔, 눈물의 신비로움에 대해 나타내려 하였다.
해시태그 #아크릴화
배송방법 택배배송
액자 액자 포함
판매가격 600,000

작품 및 미리보기 이미지를 무단 사용시 저작권 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다.

The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create another kind of reality of the same force,
Almost all of my art works deals with human relationship, emotions as love, joy, hate, fear and jealousy. I try to draw the image of that I feel not the image I see. The painting ‘Portrait of a weeping man’ done recently about our feeling when we are in grief inside. This painting painted acrylic on canvas and subjected to ‘mystery of human tears’ .
Crying is more than a symptom of sadness. It’s triggered by a range of feelings—from empathy and surprise to anger and grief.
For centuries, people thought tears originated in the heart; the Old Testament describes tears as the by-product of when the heart’s material weakens and turns into water, , in Hippocrates’ time, it was thought that the mind was the trigger for tears. Emotions especially love—heated the heart, which generated water vapor in order to cool itself down. The heart vapor would then rise to the head, condense near the eyes and escape as tears.
Tears also show others that we’re vulnerable, and vulnerability is critical to human connection.
When the tears became something that automatically set off empathy and compassion in another.
Actually being able to cry emotionally, and being able to respond to that, is a very important part of being human. If tears are so important for human bonding, are people who never cry perhaps less socially connected?
I think yes, Tears are of extreme relevance for human nature. We cry because we need other people.




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